Workplace Lead Exposure
Management Workshop

A one-day event to learn about the latest developments in workplace legislation, occupational lead exposure management, and facilitate an information sharing session through in-depth discussions with fellow EHS professionals.

This is a popular event and early registration is recommended to secure places as the number of workshop participants is limited and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

The workshop sessions include:

  • Background briefing on key legislation, science updates and the current performance of the lead and lead battery companies against the industry voluntary employee blood lead target of 20mcg/dL.
  • Best practice sessions on key topics such as engineering controls, use and maintenance of personal protective equipment, medical surveillance, employee involvement and incentives, air lead sampling, and analytical laboratory performance.
  • Show and tell with presentations from companies highlighting initiatives they have introduced to reduce employee lead exposures.
  • Information sharing carousel to facilitate networking and learning from other workshop participants.

Wednesday 25 June. This important interactive event is the 7th in the series. It is organised by ILA and co-hosted with EUROBAT

Workshop fee for
Pb2025 delegates

€ 200

per person*

(€242 incl. VAT)

*All delegate fees are subject to Dutch VAT 21%.

Priority registration for the exposure workshop is given to delegates attending Pb2025. Please contact the Conference Secretariat if you wish to register as a non-delegate. The Workshop only fee is €500 + VAT.

Workshop registration