Pb2025 registration
Register now
Attendance fees for Pb2025 are listed below per person. These include access to all sessions, documentation, coffee breaks, lunch, social events, and copies of presentations.
Attendance fees
Early bird
Up to 16 April 2025
€ 1690
per person*
(€2045 incl. VAT)
Full rate
On or after 17 April 2025
€ 1940
per person*
(€2347.4 incl. VAT)
At event rate
25-27 June 2025
€ 2300
per person*
(€2783 incl. VAT)
*All delegate fees are subject to Dutch VAT at 21%.
Member Discounts
For members of ILA and CBI a discount of €200 per delegate is available.
Pb2025 speakers are entitled to a special registration fee of €1,250 + VAT (€1,512.5).
Eligible registrants may claim the largest applicable reduction to which they are entitled, with only one reduction in the fee applicable. Accompanying persons are not entitled to any discounts.
Delegates can register and pay their fees in one of two ways:
- Online with payment by Credit/Debit Card with Mastercard or Visa
- Via bank transfer. Download the registration form below and pay by bank transfer (payable in Euros only). Completed forms should be sent to the Conference Secretariat, the International Lead Association, in London. Please refer to the form for payment options which include bank transfer or credit card.
All pre-registered delegates and accompanying persons will be sent confirmation of their registration including the appropriate VAT invoice
If it becomes necessary to cancel a registration, please contact the Conference Secretariat. The following refund conditions will apply:
On or before 27 May
Full refund
less €100 processing fee
27 May onwards
No refund
Liability disclaimer
The organisers cannot be held responsible for any personal injury, loss, damages or accident to private property or for additional expenses incurred as a result of delays or changes in air, rail, road or other services, strikes, sickness, weather or other causes. All participants are encouraged to make their own arrangements for health and travel insurance.
Registration is now open.