An overview of the global regulatory landscape for lead
Agenda for
21-23 June

Steve Binks
Regulatory Affairs Director, International Lead Association, United Kingdom
We are undoubtedly now entering the golden age for batteries with many applications critical to delivering carbon reduction opportunities and green economic growth. For the foreseeable future, despite the rapid growth in demand for lithium ion, lead batteries will continue to remain one of the chemistries that will dominate the market. However, there are some significant regulatory challenges to overcome to allow the market rather than policy makers and environmental NGO’s to determine the future prospects of the lead industry.
Steve will set the scene for the Regulatory Landscape session of Pb 2023 by providing an overview of global trends in chemical policy and a high-level introduction to recent regulatory developments in Europe, North America and Asia
Steve will set the scene for the Regulatory Landscape session of Pb 2023 by providing an overview of global trends in chemical policy and a high-level introduction to recent regulatory developments in Europe, North America and Asia
Steve Binks joined ILA as Regulatory Affairs Director in October 2011. He was previously Director of Hazard Assessment & Communication at the pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline. He is a European-registered toxicologist.